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LabelBlockTV Object




Physical properties of a block for problems of transient electric field.


The LabelBlockTV object represents physical data applicable to the block label for transient electric problems.

When you need to set or modify some physical parameters for the block label, you have to get the LabelBlockTV object using the Content property of the Label object, modify the LabelBlockTV object using its properties and then put it back in the Label object assigning your LabelBlockTV to the Content property of your Label object.

The LabelBlockTV object inherits methods and properties from its base class LabelBlock. In addition, it provides properties and methods specific transient electric problem. Those are:


Kxx (Absolute)

Get and set the components of electric permittivity.
If the optional parameter is False or omitted, the value is considered as a relative permittivity, otherwise as an absolute value.
Absolute values of electric permittivity are measured in (F/m).

Kxx (Absolute)


The Loading property is not applicable to LabelBlockTV object.


The LoadingPhase property is not applicable to LabelBlockTV object.


Gets and sets the electrical conductivity for the label in (S/m). Conductivity should be positive or zero.
In case of anisotropic media ConductivityXX and ConductivityYY could be different from each other.

as Spline
(read and write)

Gets and sets a Spline object that represents the relative permittivity as a function of the electric field intensity ε(E). See Using splines section for details.

as Spline
(read and write)

Gets and sets a Spline object that represents the electric conductivity as a function of the electric field intensity σ(E). See Using splines section for details.

You always have to set both Kxx and Kyy properties even for isotropic materials. If the Polar property is set to True, the Kxx component is considered as a radial and Kyy - as tangential component of the permittivity tensor.

The same is true for conductivity (ConductivityXX, ConductivityYY properties).

Using Splines

Object Spline represents the functional dependency of one variable from another. The LabelBlockTV object can use up to two splines: one for permittivity ε and the second for the electrical conductivity σ as a function of the electric field intensity E. You use the Spline property to get or set the permittivity spline ε(E) and >> ConductivitySpline property to operate with conductivity σ(E) dependency.

To get an existing Spline object you use the >> Spline or ConductivitySpline property. If the spline you need does not yet exist, the Spline or ConductivitySpline property returns Nothing. In that case you have to first create a new spline use >> CreatePermittivityCurve or CreateConductivityCurve methods for permittivity and conductivity curve respectively.

To enter or modify spline data you use methods and properties of the >> Spline object. When you are finished with spline data you have to assign the Spline object back to the LabelBlockTV object using >> Spline or ConductivitySpline property.