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OscillatedVector Object




Represents a vector function that varies with time as a sum of a constant vector and a vector with magnitude and direction that varies with double frequency.


The OscillatedVector object is used with time-harmonic magnetic problems for representing integral physical values such as mechanical force. Formally, such quantities are calculated as an integral of a vector product of two complex vectors. The result is a vector function that varies with time as a sum of a constant vector and a vector with magnitude and direction that varies with double frequency.

With these quantities we most often want to know the time average vector and sometimes we also need to know the amplitude of oscillation. Accordingly, the OscillatedVector object provides two read-only properties:

Average property as Point

Returns a time average part of the oscillated vector.

Oscillated property as Double

Returns a magnitude of the oscillated part of the vector.


There is no method or property that returns the OscillatedVector object. When calculating an integral value with the GetIntegral method, you get a value of the wrapper type Quantity. If you know in advance that the real type of the integral value is an OscillatedVector, then you can manually cast it to the desired type.

Dim res As QuickField.Result
Set q = res.GetIntegral(qfInt_MaxwellForce)
Dim qvect As OscillatedVector
Set qvect = q.Value
Dim f As QuickField.Point
Set f = qvect.Average