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Edge Object




The edge in a geometric model.


The Edge object represents an edge in a geometry model. It is derived from the Shape object and inherits all its methods and properties. In addition the Edge object offers some properties specific to the edge. All these properties are read-only.

Start property

Returns the starting point of the edge as Point.

End property

Returns the ending point of the edge as Point.

Center property

Returns the center point of the arc edge as Point.
If the edge is a line segment, the result is undefined.

Radius property

Returns the radius of the arc edge or 0 if the edge is a line segment.

Left property

Returns the Block (if any) that is adjacent to the edge from the left side as Block.

Right property

Returns the Block (if any) that is adjacent to the edge from the right side as Block.

Please note, that the Start, End, Left and Right properties are relative to the edge intrinsic direction, which is always counterclockwise for arcs and is determined for line segments by the order of pointing vertices when the edge was created.