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LabelEdgeEC Object




Physical properties of an edge for problems of AC (time-harmonic) conduction.


The LabelEdgeEC object represents physical data applicable to the edge label for AC (time-harmonic) conduction problems.

When you need to set or modify some physical parameters for the edge label, you have to get the LabelEdgeEC object using the Content property of the Label object, modify the LabelEdgeEC object using its properties, and then put it back in the Label object assigning your LabelEdgeEC to the Content property of your Label object.

The LabelEdgeEC object inherits methods and properties from its base class LabelEdge. Here the LabelEdge's properties take the following meaning:

DirichletEx property
as Variant

Set and get the known amplitude (peak) value of electric potential U0 at the edge.
The value could be either a number or a formula.

NeumannEx property
as Variant

Sets and gets the amplitude (peak) value of the tangential component of the normal current density jn
The value could be either a number or a formula.

as Boolean

If True defines the edge as a surface of a isolated conductor that is not penetrated by electric field. The conductor is assumed to have a constant but unknown potential value U=const.

Electric potential and normal component of the current density vector are complex values. They are completely defined by the amplitude and phase values. So, the LabelEdgeEC object provides two additional properties that operate with phase angle. They are:

DirichletPhaseEx property
as Double

Set and get the phase value of electric potential U0 at the edge in degrees.

NeumannEx property
as Double

Set and get the phase value of normal current density jn in degrees.