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Link Object




The link to a coupled problem.


Represents the the coupling link to another Problem. The Problem object maintains all its Link objects in the Links collection. The last is accessible by the Links property of the Problem object.

The Link object provides following methods and properties:

LinkType property as QfLinkTypes,

Returns the type of the Link.
The type is defined when the Link is added to the collection.
You cannot change the type of an existing link - remove it and add the new one instead.

TargetName property as String
(read and write)

Sets and returns the problem file name that the link refers to.

TargetType property as QfProblemTypes

Returns the type of the problem that the link refers to.

TargetTime property as double
(read and write)

Sets and returns the time value of the selected solution time of the non-stationary referred problem.

Flags property as Integer (32-bit)
(read and write)

Returns and sets the field of the binary flags, which specify the link details.
Available flags which may be combined using bitwise Boolean operation are included into QfLinkFlags enumeration.


This example shows how to link the nonlinear magnetostatic problem to the AC magnetic problem. Magnetic state (spatial distribution of the magnetic permeability) is derived from the linked problem and then used for AC magnetic field calculation. The flag qfIncrementalPermeability setting selects the incremental permeability calculation (otherwise the apparent permeability is calculated).


Dim pbm As QuickField.Problem
Set pbm = QF.Problems.Open("CoaxialHE.pbm")

' old links removal
While pbm.Links.Count > 0
   pbm.Links.Remove (1)

' new problem link is added for magnetic permeability importing
Dim lnk As QuickField.Link
Set lnk = pbm.Links.Add(qfMagneticState, "Coaxial.pbm")

' incremental magnetic permeability flag is set.
Dim myFlags As Integer
' bit summation is used to avoid modifying other flags
myFlags = lnk.Flags Or qfIncrementalPermeability
' changed flag value assignment
lnk.Flags = myFlags