The tutorial example C-Shaped Magnet is based on the Magn1 example described in
the Examples chapter of the QuickField User's Manual. It might be useful to browse through the
Tutorial chapter of the QuickField online help you have not seen it before.
The model consists of a permanent magnet and a steel keeper in the air. The permanent magnets
are made of ALNICO. The polarizations of the magnets are along vertical axis opposite to each
All dimensions are in centimeters.
Our task is to measure the force acting on the steel keeper versus the distance between the
keeper and the magnet. We might also want to explore how the level of coercive force of ALNICO
magnet affects on the mechanical force.
We will discuss three different ways of solving this problem.
Lesson 1: Using the existing problem. First we use an
existing problem and write a very simple application in Visual Basic (or Visual Basic for
Application) that performs multiple calculations of the mechanical force. Here you learn how
to start a new VB or VBA project, create a QuickField session, open and modify an existing
problem, model and data documents, solve the result and evaluate local and integral field
Lesson 2: Creating a new problem. On the next step we
create a new problem, geometric model and physical properties from scratch. Here you learn
how create a new QuickField problem, build geometric model and create physical data.