In this sample we investigate magnetic field and current distribution in the simplified model of a slot of electric machine.
The solid rectangular conductor made from cooper lies in the open rectangular slot. The opposite armature core is considered to be toothless.
On the main screen you can enter the geometric dimensions of the tooth, slot, air gap and conductor, as well as a few physical parameters. You can change values or accept default ones. Once you are ready with data editing, press the Calculate button. The QuickField window appears or not depending on the Show QuickField flag.
The calculation consists of following stages:
All the calculation results are displayed in the report window. You can save the report to a text file using the Save button.
The Tooth example program employs the COMDLG32 component of MS Visual Basic that can be or can be not installed on your computer. To be sure that all modules needed are installed, use the Setup.exe program for installing the Tooth sample on your computer.
Source codes of the Tooth samples are written in Visual Basic. The program is designed as a set of objects and classes to isolate the calculation and presentation layers. The code that communicates with QuickField is located in the Solver class (Solver.cls file).