Properties |
Methods |
Physical properties of a block for problems of DC and transient magnetics.
The LabelBlockMS object represents physical data applicable to the block label for magnetostatic problems.
When you need to set or modify some physical parameters for the block label, you have to get the LabelBlockMS object using the Content property of the Label object, modify the LabelBlockMS object using its properties, and then put it back in the Label object assigning your LabelBlockMS to the Content property of your Label object.
The LabelBlockMS object inherits methods and properties from its base class LabelBlock. In addition, it provides properties specific for magnetostatic analysis. Those are:
Kxx (Absolute)
Get and set the components of magnetic permeability.
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Gets and sets a Spline object that represents the magnetic permeability as a function of the flux density. See Using Splines section for details. | |||
Loading property
The value of the current density (A/m2) or total number of ampere turns (A), depending upon the TotalCurrent flag. | ||
LoadingEx property
The same as Loading, but allows defining the current (current density) not only by a value but also by a formula of coordinates. | ||
Gets and sets the vector of coercive force of the magnet. |
Returns and sets the value of electrical conductivity in Siemens. The electrical conductivity is used only with transient analysis. The conductivity value should be non-negative. Zero conductivity means that the eddy currents in the block are not calculated. | |
The same as Conductivity, but allows defining the electrical conductivity not only by a number but also by a formula of coordinates. The formula should always give a positive result. | ||
Returns/sets the curve representing the dependency of electrical conductivity on temperature. | ||
Returns True when the electrical conductivity depends on temperature and False otherwise. | ||
Returns and sets the temperature value used for calculating the electrical conductivity. It can be either a number or a formula of coordinates. This value is only used when you do not employ importing temperature from a linked problem, or imported values are not available. | ||
TotalCurrent property
Gets and sets the flag showing whether the Loading value specifies the total number of ampere-turns or the current density. | ||
Serial property
When the TotalCurrent flag is set to True, the Serial flag specifies whether the conductors with total current applied are connected in series.
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Radial property
With axisymmetric problems, if the total number of ampere-turns is specified, that Boolean flag specifies that the current density in your coil varies inversely to the radius rather than being distributed uniformly. |
You always have to set both Kxx and Kyy properties even for isotropic materials. If the Polar property is set to True, the Kxx component is considered as a radial and Kyy - as tangential component of the permeability tensor.
Spline is an object representing the functional dependency of one variable from another. The LabelBlockMS object can use the spline to represent the magnetic field intensity as a function of the flux density. That is a magnetization curve of the material. You use the Spline property to get or set the spline to the LabelBlockMS object.
To get an existing Spline object you use the Spline property. If the spline you need does not yet exist, the Spline property returns nothing. In that case you have to first create a new spline using the CreateBHCuve method.
With transient analysis the electrical conductivity may depend on temperature. Such dependency is described by the spline, which you can get and assign using the ConductivitySpline property. If the spline does not yet exist, create it by the CreateConductivityCurve method.
To enter or modify spline data you use methods and properties of the Spline object. When you are finished with spline data you have to assign the Spline object back to the LabelBlockMS object using the Spline property or the ConductivitySpline property respectively.
The TemperatureEx property of type Variant sets/returns a priory known temperature in the block given by a number or a formula of coordinates. The formula should always give positive value.