Applies to |
Returns a specific member of a collection object either by number or name.
Windows.Item ( index As Variant ) As Window
Documents.Item ( index As Variant ) As IDocument
Object.Item ( index As Variant ) As Shape
Attributes.Item ( index As Long ) As Attribute
Labels.Item ( index As Variant ) As Label
FieldQuantities.Item ( index As Variant ) As FieldQuantity
Columns.Item ( [index As Long], [Quantity As QfQuantity] ) As TableColumn
Rows.Item ( index As Variant ) As TableRow
TimePlotPoints.Item ( index As Variant ) As TimePlotPoint
Devices.Item ( index As Variant ) As Device
Links.Item ( index As Variant ) As Link
Spline.Item ( index As Variant ) As Point
The index parameter specifies the desired item in a collection in a way that depends upon the nature of the collection.
In any case, the index parameter can be a serial number of desired item, starting from one. Some collection, like Columns and Rows have a natural items order, other collection keeps the order that the items were created. There are also such collection, like Shapes and ShapeRange, that the order of items is unpredictable.
If the member of collection has its own name (generally accessible by the Name property), it can be used as an index for choosing the desired item.
The TableColumn object in a Columns collection can be accessed using either its number or associated physical Quantity.
If the index parameter is omitted, the very first collection element will be returned.