Properties |
Methods |
The calculation results document
The Result is a key object for analyzing the solution results. You get it from the Problem object by the Result property after the AnalyzeResults method was invoked. Formally the Result object is derived from the IDocument object and inherits its methods and properties. But some of IDocument's properties do nothing useful with the Result. So, you cannot save it to disk - there are special methods to export the numerical values or the picture. Other IDocument's properties are still useful. So, the Windows property returns the collection of windows that show the field picture, xy-plot and table.
When the AnalyzeResult method of the Problem object creates Result object it also creates the first FieldWindow showing the field picture with default settings. You can get it as a member of the Windows collection associated with the Result. Every time you create a new window for analyzing results it becomes a member of the Windows collection.
The collection Windows in general case contains different types of windows. The GetFieldWindow method provides more convenient alternative for getting a field picture window. It receives the numerical parameter index which defines the serial number of the field picture window, starting from one. In most cases this value will be equal to one.
Many result analyzing functions require a Contour. This belongs to the FieldWindow, so if you need to have several contours simultaneously you can create several FieldWindow objects and build the contour in each of them.
During the result analysis of the problems solved with the electric circuit connected, current and voltage data for every electric circuit element are provided. The CircuitResult is a key object in this context. The CircuitResult object represents a part of the solution results which contains currents and voltages in the electric circuit components. Access to the CircuitResult object is provided by the similarly named CircuitResult property of the Result object.
In addition to generic properties of the IDocument, the Result object provides the following methods:
GetLocalValues method |
Returns local field quantities for the given point as FieldPoint (or its derivative). |
GetIntegral method |
Returns the integral quantity value as Quantity object. Integration is done over the given Contour. |
GetCustomIntegral method |
Returns the user defined integral quantity value as Quantity object. Integration is done over the line, surface, or volume given by the Contour parameter. Integration function, implemented as an object of UserFunction interface, should be provided by the user. |
GetCustomIntegralTotal method |
Returns the user defined integral quantity value as Quantity object. Integration is performed over the surface (volume) which corresponds to the whole calculation region. Integration function, implemented as an object of UserFunction interface, should be provided by the user. |
GetXYPlot method |
Creates and returns the XYPlotWindow that shows the xy-plot along the given Contour. |
GetTable method |
Creates and returns the TableWindow that tabulated the field values along the given Contour. |
For Transient Problems | |
Time property
Gets and sets the specific time layer of the transient problem that is currently analyzed. Initially the very first stored time layer becomes current. |
TimesArray property
Gets an array of all time values available in the results file. |
GetTimePlot method
Creates a new or returns an already opened time plot window. |
GetTimeTable method
Creates a new or returns an already opened time table window. |
The following example demonstrates using of methods and properties for transient problem. There we set the final time layer, then open and tune the time plot, and finally opens the time dependency table for the point (10, 20), select desired rows and put them into Windows clipboard.
Sub SeeResults(res As QuickField.Result)
Dim times() As Double
times = res.TimesArray
res.Time = times(UBound(times)) ' Set the last time layer as current
' Create a new time plot
Dim timeView As QuickField.TimePlotWindow
Set timeView = res.GetTimePlot
Dim tsSet As QuickField.TimePlotPicture
' Add two points to the plot
' and tune the range of time-axis
Set tsSet = timeView.PlotSettings
With tsSet
.GridLines = False
.Markers = False
.Group = qfGrad
' Set the range of time axis:
.RangeX(qfMin) = 6.5
.RangeX(qfMax) = 10
' Add two points and choose desired curves for each of them
Dim p As QuickField.TimePlotPoint
Set p = .Points.Add(QF.PointXY(0, 0))
p.curve(qfPotential) = True
p.curve(qfGrad) = True
p.curve(qfGradX) = True
Set p = .Points.Add(QF.PointXY(0, 70))
p.curve(qfPotential) = True
p.curve(qfGrad) = True
p.curve(qfGradY) = True
End With
timeView.PlotSettings = tsSet ' Apply settings to the time plot
' Create the time dependency table
Dim timeTable As QuickField.TimeTableWindow
Set timeTable = res.GetTimeTable(QF.PointXY(10, 20))
' Select rows by its time value
' alternatively we could select rows by number
timeTable.Select 6#, 11#
' Copy text to the Windows clipboard -
' now data can be pasted to any program, say
Microsoft Excel
' Clean up
End Sub